The First Thing You Must Do On Monday Morning

The First Thing You Must Do On Monday Morning      

  By Claire Diaz-Ortiz { Twitter Inc}

I recently urged you to hackyour morning routine so that it works best for you.
The first step in the morning routine I've developed for myself (go here to get a free ebook explaining the process in depth) is all about stepping back and taking a pause before life comes rushing in on you. And therein lies the absolute best advice I ever received about what to do first thing each and every day - and especially on Mondays.
If there is only one thing you do this Monday morning before beginning your week, it's this:
Do Nothing.
Yup, you heard me.
It's not fancy advice, and it doesn't require a set of instructions, a coach or an app on hand.
Instead, it's just a few simple words.
Do nothing.
- Take five minutes -- better yet, take ten. Sit at your desk, on the porch, or on the floor.
   Have tea or coffee in hand (I find finishing a cup is the perfect timing for a 10 minute pause).
   and just sit there.
-  Avoid journaling or reading. Consider listening to peaceful music. And let the thoughts come
   flooding in.
- Remember, the overwhelming point is to - at all costs - clear your head. So whatever you do, 

do nothing.

-  But here's a caveat. You may read this and draw inspiration to turn this into a time for  
   meditation or prayer. I'd urge you not to.
-  I love both practices and rely on both in my life, but this particular moment of the day is not for  
-  Instead, a moment of doing nothing should really be just that. Do nothing. 
-  Prayer and meditation hold their place as well, but this five to ten minute period is about a   
   complete reset, and a complete stop. 

And, as you'll see, it's a huge challenge in and of itself.

So go on, try it. Do nothing.

When was the last time you spent 5 minutes doing absolutely nothing? Could you try it this Monday morning?
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